Skara Brae
Skar Brae is a marvelously preserved village built 4500 years ago. Cluster of interconnecting circular houses stands right on edge of beautiful Skaill Bay on the west coast. Walls of many houses still stand up to eaves, alley ways still roofed over by original slabs. Life of village ended by great storm that left it choked with sand – much original furniture still where it was buried.
Here term ‘Stone Age’ becomes a reality – there are stone food boxes once lined with clay to act as fridges, stone grinders, stone-sided beds, even stone dressers.
Open April-Sept 9.30-7, Sun 2-7; Oct-March 9.30-4, Sun2z-4. D of E. Admission charge. Off B9056 about 6 miles north of Stromness.